Paulina Olowska presents Pavilionesque! Stage set by Zuza Golinska


During The Hague Contemporary Art Weekend,  Page Not Found presents Pavilionesque, an exhibition around the magazine created by acclaimed artist Paulina Olowska.

Founded in 2015, the Pavilionesque magazine is a collaborative, performative and theatrical effort in the field of artistic publishing. In its search for unpublished materials connected to theatre, performance and puppeteering, Pavilionesque is an active archive of contemporary and dramatic arts.

The third and latest issue of Pavilionesque, copublished by the Walker Art Center, focuses on the extraordinary nature of the grotesque and its modern manifestations. It playfully proclaims itself GROTESQUE – CARNAVALESQUE – BURLESQUE – EPIDEMIC – DANSE MACABRE – ARABESQUE. The publication features artworks, interviews, essays and a grotesque novel.

For The Hague Contemporary Art Weekend, Page Not Found unveils a theatrical installation, choreographed by Paulina Olowska in collaboration with sculptor Zuza Golinska. Together they created a singular podium, where Pavilionesque stands as the main thespian figure. Basking in the glow of golden curtains, this character crawls and teases, to a soundtrack composed by Jacek Sienkiewicz based on Roland Topor’s poetry.

Entrance to the exhibition is free. Reservation of a time slot is required for the opening weekend, taking place 8 to 11 July.

The exhibition will stay up until 8 August.



Tijdens het The Hague Contemporary Art Weekend presenteert Page Not Found Pavilionesque, een expositie rond het gelijknamige tijdschrift opgezet door de bejubelde kunstenaar Paulina Olowska.

Het tijdschrift Pavilionesque werd in 2015 opgericht als platform voor theater- en performance-gerichte kruisbestuiving middels artistieke publicatie. Pavilionesque vormt een levend archief van hedendaagse kunst en dramatiek in haar continue zoektocht naar niet eerder gepubliceerde materialen rond theater, performance en poppenspel.

Het derde en meest recente nummer van Pavilionesque, dat in samenwerking met het Walker Art Center werd uitgebracht, focust op de eigenaardige esthetiek van het groteske en haar moderne manifestaties. Deze uitgave proclameert zich GROTESQUE – CARNAVALESQUE – BURLESQUE – EPIDEMIC – DANSE MACABRE – ARABESQUE, en 

omvat curieuse essays, interviews, reproducties van kunstwerken en een heuse groteske novelle. 
In het kader van The Hague Contemporary Art Weekend onthult Page Not Found een theatrale installatie, onder regie van Paulina Olowska en met enscenering door installatiekunstenaar Zuza Golinska. Samen creëerden ze een podium waarop Pavilionesque als centrale figuur wordt uitgelicht; schitterend in de gloed van gouden gordijnen en kronkelend op muziek door Jacek Sienkiewics naar Roland Topor’s poëzie.

Entree voor de tentoonstelling is gratis. Reservering van een time slot voor het openingsweekend van 8 tot 11 juli is verplicht.

De expositie is tot 8 augustus te bezoeken.


Paulina Olowska was born in 1976 in Gdansk, Poland, and lives and works in Rabka Zdroj and Krakow, Poland. She has had one-person exhibitions at Kunsthalle Basel; the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam; and the Zacheta National Gallery of Art, Warsaw. Olowska received the prestigious Aachen Art Prize in 2014, with an associated exhibition at the Ludwig Forum for International Art, Aachen, Germany. She has also staged performances at Tate Modern, the Carnegie International, and the Museum of Modern Art, New York.

Zuza Golinska was born in 1990 in Gdansk and lives and works in Warsaw, PL. She is a multidisciplinary artist who explores the impact of architecture and public space on the human individual. Her art reflects on the way in which human physical and mental wellbeing is influenced by the psychology of space in the time of civilisational acceleration and late capitalism. In her work, Golińska frequently disrupts the clear-cut division between the functional and the aesthetic as she examines the influence of spatial forms on emotions and decisions of users. In 2018, she won the ArtePrize awarded by the ArteVue and Delfina Foundation. She presented her works in the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, Zachęta National Gallery, Delfina Foundation in London, National Gallery in Prague and many others.