Cultural Remittance Pawnshoppe Episode 1: The Shell and The Wound — With Alfred Marasigan and Meenakshi Thirukode
Page Not Found presents “Cultural Remittance Pawnshoppe”, a new cycle of events curated by Clara Balaguer and Meenakshi Thirukode (Instituting Otherwise). For the first iteration of the cycle we welcome artists Alfred Marasigan and Meenakshi Thirukode.
(^_-)≡☆ SYNOPSIS (^_-)≡☆
Meenakshi Thirukode presents her work through the archetype of The Wound inflicted in the act of seeking change and justice. Hierarchical structures of race, gender, caste,* and class seek to protect themselves, picking at any attempts of this wound to heal over.
Alfred Marasigan presents his work through the archetype of The Shell, specifically the nautilus shell. His interest in how time is lived, quantified, politicized in different territories suggests, through the shell, other readings of queerness, danger, anachronism, and the body.
For this episode, Cultural Remittance Pawnshoppe nests within the skin of Eternal Conferences, a livestreamed educational resource and art space.
*Meenakshi would like to acknowledge that she belongs to an oppressor caste as a UC/Savarna and will speak from this position.
(つ≧▽≦)つ ABOUT THE PAWNSHOPPE (つ≧▽≦)つ
To Be Determined (Primary Cell: Meenakshi Thirukode and Clara Balaguer) build a series of long distance remittance sessions at Page Not Found, featuring people who are intimate with migratory realities as a lifestyle that begets archetypes for a practice. Whether by fleeing further South, draining towards the North, or exiting contested “centers” and “canons,” their work explores what exists on the margins, not because it lacks value but because it has been grossly misclassified—by empire, patriarchy, casteism, or any other intersectional oppressions—as unremarkable.
In the spirit of informal remittance, both Balaguer and Thirukode have proposed a series of conversational alchemies, mixing guests across their personal networks in India and the Philippines. They ask each guest to present their work in light of an archetype they are practicing, researching, or becoming that is somehow made possible by the modes of flight described by migration. A casual publication will be gathered from notes and references shared for each session.
(^_<)~☆ GRATITUDE (^_<)~☆
Cultural Remittance Pawnshoppe is made possible by a generous institutional consortium between Page Not Found, the Collecting Otherwise research group at Het Nieuwe Instituut and PrintRoom.
┬┴┬┴┤·ω·)ノ BIO’S ┬┴┬┴┤·ω·)ノ
Alfred Marasigan (Batangas, Libra Water Monkey) is an artist and educator who conducts serendipitous research and transmedial practices primarily through livestreaming, heavily inspired by emotional geography, Norwegian slow TV, and magic realism. Such format, often via social media, anchors his current explorations on simultaneity, sustainability, solidarity, and sexuality. He has been a faculty member of Ateneo de Manila University’s Department of Fine Arts since 2013.
Meenakshi Thirukode is a writer, researcher, educator and feminist killjoy based in NewDelhi, India. Her areas of research include the role of culture, collectivity and micro-politics from the POV of a queer femme subjectivity, located within the realm of a trans-nomadic, transient network of individuals and institutions. She runs ‘School of IO’, which is a space of unlearning, dedicated to navigating ‘study’, as a radical tool of political agency.
Jerwin Darag is a corporate researcher analyst. He has worked in the local government unit of Makati under Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office, Administrative Section. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Office Administration from the Polytechnic University of the Philippines and has studied sign language in the Philippine Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf.
Clara Balaguer is a cultural worker and grey literature circulator. Frequently, she operates under collective or individual aliases that disclose her stewardship in any given project, the latest of which is To Be Determined.
Eternal Conferences is a live educational resource and art space that aims to bring together people from different fields and practices to talk about intersections between (real) time, digital anthropology, and various forms of communal and decolonized knowledge production. It is Inspired by never ending zoom calls and conversations as journeys.
To Be Determined is a loosely organized structure for leaking access to cultural capital, recently migrated to Rotterdam from Parañaque City. TBD is a network of sleeper cells curious about models of non-extractive research, diasporic remittance flows, rehabilitating the body public/published body, mutual industry, and secretarial agency.
ε=ε=┌(; ̄▽ ̄)┘PRACTICAL ε=ε=┌(; ̄▽ ̄)┘
Jerwin Darag will provide sign language interpretation.
This is a hybrid event. You can attend in person at Page Not Found or stream online via the Eternal Conferences website. To enter the chatroom you can sign up and join on Twitch.
Starts at 18:00 The Hague time, 00:00 Manila time (+1), 21:30 Delhi time.
Entrance is free.