*Postponed* — THE VÖLVA’S BESTIARY OF BEST FRIENDS — Book Launch with Rasmus Myrup and Sabo Day
Unfortunately, due to Rasmus’ broken knee, the launch of The Völva’s Bestiary of Best Friends is postponed to a later date. Stay tuned for updates!
To celebrate Rasmus Myrup’s exhibition at our dear and near 1646, we are happy to invite you to discover his latest publication, in company of its prolific designer Sabo Day.
In The Völva’s Bestiary of Best Friends we are introduced to characters from Danish folklore, Scandinavian history and Norse mythology. Making their first appearance as a series of sculptures by Myrup, the characters from this Bestiary are all seen through the lens of a Seeress – The Völva. She knows everything her folkloric friends have been through and will endure in the future. It’s a heavy burden: the workaholism of The Bog Lady, failed attempts by The Elven Girls to end the Patriarchy, Freya’s sob story, the sexual frustrations of The Stream Man and Hild’s inability to stop the war between her lover and her dad. In Myrup’s world, they have befriended each other across multiple spheres of fiction – if they don’t know each other, they at least know of each other.
Whether they are embodiments of natural elements, misunderstood misses of myth or corporeal manifestations of counter-culture, these figures have all lived outside the realm of human civilization – but just like us, they have a knack for being unable to see the obvious ways they could fix their flaws and save themselves. The Völva’s lips runneth over with scaldingly hot takes and reads her friends probably can’t handle – so she writes them down. To clear the visions from her retina, she draws them. She is not a tattletale, she lets destiny run its course – but in one book she unleashes her pent-up load of sticky secrets: The Völva’s Bestiary of Best Friends.
We welcome you on 21 March, 19:00. Free entrance.