  • 26/03/2025 – 30/03/2025

    KINO NIGHT — Being Part European (premiere)

    Please feel welcome to join us for the premiere of “Being Part European” (2024) by Mirelle van Tulder on Wednesday 26 March, 18:00 – 20:00. The film will continue to be screened from 27 to 30 March during our regular opening hours.

    During the colonial period, the Netherlands played a central role in the settlement, occupation, and control of territories worldwide. This legacy is embedded in the 470,734 ancestral objects currently held by the Wereldmuseum, of which only 3% are on public display. The remaining 97% are stored in a 4,000 m² depot in ‘s-Gravenzande, accessible to just 27 authorised researchers per year. This facility is one of many across Europe where ethnographic collections are kept out of sight.

    These stored objects are more than material artefacts; they hold histories, ancestral knowledge, and displaced narratives that extend beyond museum archives. Removed from their original contexts, they continue to resonate, forming new connections and relationships that challenge ideas of ownership and belonging.

    On the premiere night, Being Part European will be followed by a screening of Statues Hardly Ever Smile (1971, 19 min) by Stan Lathan, introduced by Tamarah de Haan, PhD candidate in decolonial sociology. This rarely shown film, brought to our attention by Tamarah, offers a powerful counterpoint to Mirelle’s work, expanding the conversation on archives, representation, and cultural memory.

    Mirelle van Tulder (1988, Brazilian/Dutch, born in Aotearoa) is an artist, designer, and researcher. She holds an MA in Fine Art and Design from Werkplaats Typografie (2023) and founded the magazine and platform Roots to Fruits in 2019.

    This presentation is one of the instalments of Mal d’Archive—the new public programme of Page Not Found, exploring the space between artistic, archival and publishing practices. This programme will span over several years and encompass events, exhibitions, workshops and residencies.

    26 – 30 March | free entry

    image: Still from Being Part European by Mirelle van Tulder

    Kom naar de première van “Being Part European” (2024) van Mirelle van Tulder op woensdag 26 maart van 18:00 – 20:00 uur. De film wordt van 27 tot en met 30 maart tijdens onze reguliere openingstijden vertoond.

    Tijdens de koloniale periode speelde Nederland een centrale rol in de vestiging, bezetting en controle van gebieden wereldwijd. Deze erfenis is verankerd in de 470.734 voorouderlijke objecten die momenteel in het bezit zijn van het Wereldmuseum, waarvan slechts 3% voor het publiek te zien is. De overige 97% is opgeslagen in een 4.000 m² groot depot in ‘s-Gravenzande, dat toegankelijk is voor slechts 27 geautoriseerde onderzoekers per jaar. Deze faciliteit is een van de vele in Europa waar etnografische collecties uit het zicht worden bewaard.

    Deze opgeslagen objecten zijn meer dan materiële artefacten; ze bevatten geschiedenissen, voorouderlijke kennis en ontheemde verhalen die verder reiken dan museumarchieven. Verwijderd uit hun oorspronkelijke context blijven ze resoneren en vormen ze nieuwe verbanden en relaties die ideeën over eigendom en erbij horen uitdagen.

    Op de premièreavond wordt Being Part European gevolgd door een vertoning van Statues Hardly Ever Smile (1971, 19 min) van Stan Lathan, ingeleid door Tamarah de Haan, promovenda in de dekoloniale sociologie. Deze zelden vertoonde film, onder onze aandacht gebracht door Tamarah, biedt een krachtig tegenwicht voor Mirelle’s werk en breidt het gesprek uit over archieven, representatie en cultureel geheugen.

    Mirelle van Tulder (1988, Braziliaans/Nederlands, geboren in Aotearoa) is kunstenaar, ontwerper en onderzoeker. Ze heeft een MA in Fine Art and Design van Werkplaats Typografie (2023) en richtte in 2019 het tijdschrift en platform Roots to Fruits op.

    Deze presentatie is een van de afleveringen van Mal d’Archive – het nieuwe openbare programma van Page Not Found, dat de ruimte tussen artistieke, archief- en publicatiepraktijken verkent. Dit programma zal zich over meerdere jaren uitstrekken en evenementen, tentoonstellingen, workshops en residenties omvatten.

    26 – 30 maart | gratis toegang

    beeld: Still uit Being Part European door Mirelle van Tulder

What's new
💌 By popular demand, Fayo Said will lead a second workshop on Saturday 22 March in which writing becomes a space for dialogue, resistance and connection.

Designed by artist Grace Ndiritu as part of A Season of Peace Building—a series accompanying her exhibition—this session revisits themes from her book Being Together, republished by yours truly.

Fayo Said is a multidisciplinary artist and researcher based in Amsterdam. Her work explores African and Afro-diasporic archives, material and visual culture, with a focus on the Horn of Africa. Through her practice, she examines cultural memory, identity, and the intersection of history and contemporary art.

⏳ Limited spots! Register via link in bio.
To prevent no-shows, a €20 commitment fee is required—fully reimbursed to those who attend. If the fee is a barrier, please reach out. 📖 Attendees who waive their reimbursement will receive a copy of Being Together as a token of appreciation.

📆 Saturday 22 March, 10:00 - 12:00
📍 Page Not Found, The Hague 

📷: Marny Garcia Mommertz @marny.gar

#fayosaid @theofficialgracendiritu
#writingworkshop #decolonize #thecompassionaterebels #pagenotfoundinvite

💌 By popular demand, Fayo Said will lead a second workshop on Saturday 22 March in which writing becomes a space for dialogue, resistance and connection.

Designed by artist Grace Ndiritu as part of A Season of Peace Building—a series accompanying her exhibition—this session revisits themes from her book Being Together, republished by yours truly.

Fayo Said is a multidisciplinary artist and researcher based in Amsterdam. Her work explores African and Afro-diasporic archives, material and visual culture, with a focus on the Horn of Africa. Through her practice, she examines cultural memory, identity, and the intersection of history and contemporary art.

⏳ Limited spots! Register via link in bio.
To prevent no-shows, a €20 commitment fee is required—fully reimbursed to those who attend. If the fee is a barrier, please reach out. 📖 Attendees who waive their reimbursement will receive a copy of Being Together as a token of appreciation.

📆 Saturday 22 March, 10:00 - 12:00
📍 Page Not Found, The Hague

📷: Marny Garcia Mommertz @marny.gar

#fayosaid @theofficialgracendiritu
#writingworkshop #decolonize #thecompassionaterebels #pagenotfoundinvite

❣️Celebrate the finissage of The Compassionate Rebels with us! 

We’re closing the exhibition with a special talk by Judith Wilkinson, a London-based art writer and researcher ta Tate London. She is the author of Samuel Beckett: Artist and Curator (Bloomsbury, 2018) and contributed to Grace Ndiritu’s book Being Together, which Page Not Found republished. 

As the exhibition comes to a close, Wilkinson will reflect on its themes and engage with the works on view. A moment to gather, exchange thoughts, and celebrate the ideas that have shaped this programme.

📅 Saturday 22 March | 18:00 - 20:00
📍 Page Not Found, The Hague
No registration needed—come as you are!

Page Not Found is a Centre for Artistic Publishing in The Hague. We are open Wednesday - Sunday, 13:00 - 18:00.

#denhaag #gracendiritu #artpublishing #finissage #tatemodern @theofficialgracendiritu @judithwilkinsonart

❣️Celebrate the finissage of The Compassionate Rebels with us!

We’re closing the exhibition with a special talk by Judith Wilkinson, a London-based art writer and researcher ta Tate London. She is the author of Samuel Beckett: Artist and Curator (Bloomsbury, 2018) and contributed to Grace Ndiritu’s book Being Together, which Page Not Found republished.

As the exhibition comes to a close, Wilkinson will reflect on its themes and engage with the works on view. A moment to gather, exchange thoughts, and celebrate the ideas that have shaped this programme.

📅 Saturday 22 March | 18:00 - 20:00
📍 Page Not Found, The Hague
No registration needed—come as you are!

Page Not Found is a Centre for Artistic Publishing in The Hague. We are open Wednesday - Sunday, 13:00 - 18:00.

#denhaag #gracendiritu #artpublishing #finissage #tatemodern @theofficialgracendiritu @judithwilkinsonart